2 Loons – 2 Whales – Uroboros

Tammy first expressed interest in one of my paintings way back in 2002, but wanted to wait until she had her own place and her own wall to hang it upon. Of course, you would think that after 4 years of knowing that eventually I would paint her something, I would have come up with a title, but they don’t always accompany a painting, or set of paintings. I guess I could technically call the set of paintings “Stupid Store” but that is a private joke between Tammy and I, and while we would think it funny, the rest of the planet would find it most odd. Then again, most of the planet finds me odd anyway, so no great loss there. Anyway, Tammy’s dream came true this pace summer when she moved into her brand new house with her partner Tyler and 5-year-old son Parker.

We started to discuss her paintings more seriously back in June 2006. We agreed on the wall we’d be using and she loved the symbols I suggested, and I went to work on the designs. It didn’t take me long. In fact, I had all three ideas drawn out in a matter of hours. However, it took me over 3 months to get them to a place I was satisfied with colour wise (granted, this past summer I was working on 9 paintings at the same time – so my focus was more challenged than normal). In fact, I painted the Whale and the Loon paintings twice. I just wasn’t satisfied I’d captured what I’d wanted after the first attempt, so I trashed them and started over. I am much happier with my second attempt.

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Snake Ox Sun

These were painted for Cyndi and Klaus who were married in April (I think I was at their wedding… it’s a bit foggy…) There are 3 paintings in total.

The Ox is for Cyndi’s Chinese year of birth. The Snake is for Klaus’s Chinese year of birth. The Sun is one of my favourite symbols I’ve used in many hangings. It is simply shining down upon Cyndi and Klaus’s happy union.

I listened almost exclusively to the second disc of Moby’s Hotel, in particular, Chord sounds. I kid you not, that music is the soundtrack to what I heard before I was born. Completely swept me away for days on end just surfing the cerebral highway… waxin’ the ethereal realm… tripping the firmament wind fantastic. You get the idea. I have to tie a bungy cord to my waist when I listen to it cuz I swear I’ll just disappear right into oblivion otherwise, never to be seen again. Even the first time I heard I knew where every chord was going, and where it resided before it become audible. It seemed I’ve waited a lifetime to hear it. It really blew me away.

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