Same Same, but Different

Rafe and Alexa show off their paintings

Having recently returned from SE Asia where the term “Same Same But Different” is a common in Thailand as “eh “is in Canada, I found this the perfect name for this set of 4 paintings for Andy and Fiona. The reason being is that I already did a set of 4 for them back in 2005. However, sometimes people’s symbols change. That was partially the reason for the repaint. The other was Andy and Fiona moved. Again (this being the 7th house they’ve lived in in the 9 years I’ve known them). Thus, colours and styles have changed.

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4 Elephants – Meals on Wheels silent auction

I started this painting last summer, only recently finishing it this past January. This was officially appraised at $1,500 and donated to the Meals on Wheels silent auction gala on May 12, 2007.

An auspicious animal and the largest creature to walk the earth, the elephant is seen in many cultures as a symbol of energy, strength and power. It is a creature blessed with superior intelligence and a very long life span. Because of this, it has become a symbol for knowledge and dignity. The Zulus revere the elephant as a symbol for wisdom, patriarchy and hallowed relationships, and countries like Thailand have made it one of their national symbols. The Elephant is one of Buddha’s sacred treasures, and Buddhists believe the white elephant symbolizes patience and insight. In Feng Shui the Elephant is known to be a symbol of good fortune. The elephant is thought to be the granter of all wishes.

This painting depicts 4 elephants, all representing the different sides of our personality, all mirroring one-another, inherently the same, yet but with opposing principles prevailing, requiring that conflict within in much the same way one needs the occasional sudden loss of perspective in order to draw us to a new level.

This is a well traveled painting, having accompanied me to Africa on my recent trip.

Elephant Toronto

I actually had this painting completed way back in August, however, could not put it up on the website until now as it is was commissioned by a previous client to give as a gift to his mother on her birthday in December.

While initially I was squirming at the idea of adding blue to this
colour scheme (I’ve always used green), we were trying to match a
certain blue already present in the room it was going to reside
in. Of course, matching colours is always a challenge, even moreso
when you live 3,000+ kms away from your client. But luckily I’m
connected enough with Ralph that I knew what he wanted, and I created
the right blue that made the painting work, and matched the room perfectly.

MWR – Endearing India